Sunday, July 2, 2017


It simply astounds me to hear the derogatory way in which women of (all) ages speak about “growing old!” (Do men talk the same way?) Don’t some people realise that growing older occurs from the moment of inception? It’s almost as though a sagging, drooping body, wrinkles, grey/white hair indicates that a person has not only fallen off her perch but also lost her “marbles”!

Aaah, the arrogance of being young! And when you think about it, we were somewhat guilty in years gone by as we watched people we knew “growing older”. We smiled to ourselves as we saw them attempt to hide the deep wrinkles that appeared almost overnight on their faces; the loss of muscle and the increase of flesh (I won’t say “fat” because without exception, that word is used to bring us down); how they stumbled over and forgot words; forgot someone they previously knew well or forgot somewhere they’d been or had to go to (as in appointments and the like).

Was it arrogance on our part back then? Or was it folly? For whatever we thought in years gone by (when we we’re “young” and even entering middle age) we WANTED to grow older and to be recognised for our talents and achievements, we WANTED experiences, we WANTED adventures, we WANTED love (to be loved and to love).  We sought to “live” and create our  own history. We wanted it IMMEDIATELY and we didn’t give a thought to our bodies ageing.

So it all comes down to this. Those of us who now gratefully and willingly saying “we’re growing older” have learned (or at the very least to be still learning) that it has been “attitude” that has gotten us through and it still provides us with the ability to know what we’re doing and to know what we want and to know what’s best for us (at this present time). Thank God.

There are quite a few blogs now dealing with “style”, “how to dress to suit your colouring”, “wardrobe hints”, “how to disguise your body faults” and things of that nature. They’re everywhere on digital devices - FaceBook, Pinterest; all sorts of places. Well, I can say with some pride that I’ve covered the majority of these very same subjects within the pages and blogs of “Big Issues” and RoseMary’s NoteBook© over the past 25 years. I don’t think it’s logical or sensible to revisit subjects that I’ve gotten my teeth into and dealt with previously - sometimes with amusement and sometimes with justified anger. Yet always, those subjects were dealt with having a special focus and emphasis on the building of self-esteem for women of all ages, shapes and sizes. Including the more curvaceous woman. As I’ve often said, and still do - “Knowledge is empowerment.”

However the focus of “the Silver Generation©” is to show how growing older women deal with the years, with the decrease in spending power and with what in many instances is clothing that still sits in her wardrobe, as well as the life changes that are called for during the “growing older” years. The Silver Generation© woman is now more aware of who and what she is, and what she intends to do about making life even more interesting and adventurous. Even if she has limited mobility.

If I’m honest, what with many if not most women of today being on and to some extent living their lives through FaceBook, my naîve email “blog” may seem to be completely out-of-date. Yet, not to me. I still maintain the majority of my friends still see the worth of reading and seeing things of simplicity and basic beauty.

I bring to you today a photo of a new friend that I have made during the past couple of years - Jill. Jill is truly a woman of worth. Her presence uplifts our
thoughts and she always gives us something to seriously think about. Even to go shopping Jill makes a statement. Some of us wish we had her style, but then maybe “style” is something we’re born with, not necessarily something we find along the way.

Not being boastful, and I can see the weathering on this body and face of mine, but I also attach a photo that I took of myself this morning. Aren’t computers “clever” in being able to take photos of ourselves - I know mobile phones do a great job but I don’t always come out looking as good as I would like! Maybe I’ve become conceited in my “growing older” years!

Now, I’d like you to take time to consider this. We’ve all been through the “wringer” at some time or another. We’ve all had successes, we’ve all had failures. We’ve had moments of extreme happiness; we’ve experienced moments of great sadness. But we’re “women”, and we have inner-strengths that surprise even us.

Let’s be content with, and in, our “growing older” years. Use the knowledge gained from previous experiences to reinforce our confidence today. Let’s “grow older” gracefully - or outrageously for that matter; it’s up to us.

How about some photos from my ever loyal and faithful readers to be a part of my portfolio of wonderful “Silver Generation” women? Ready for the challenge?

’til next time


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