Tuesday, August 25, 2015


I'm a great observer of places and people.  Particularly women.   When it comes to seeing someone who takes your eye and is an example of a person who is comfortable with who and what she is, then this shows in their dress as well as demeanour.

Take Jill for example.  A woman in her 70s and very proud of it.  I have only known her for about 3 years, yet she astounds me with her dress sense and style every time I see her.  Her co-ordination skills are reflective of the many different ways she presents herself to others.

Take time to visit our sister-blog RoseMary's NoteBook©

Friday, August 7, 2015

LETTERS from INSTANBUL ..... from Helen

After a year in and out of hospital having ovarian cancer, a stroke and now a brain tumour, and all its attendant procedures, and trials, chemotherapy, hair loss, physiotherapy and so on, I decided I was well enough to go to Spain and travel around at my own pace, a bit rushed really but manageable, by car.  I have a sympathy stick to assist my walking and to warn inattentive tourists not to push me over!  My younger sister went with me to supervise which was really good.

We went to Malaga for a few days to swim in the crystal clear cool Mediterranean, then drove to Seville, Cordoba, Granada, Madrid and Barcelona.  A journey of about 15 days. We stayed in inexpensive hotels and even had a little apartment to ourselves in Barcelona.

I died with delight at the intricately decorated royal apartments of the Islamic age and the elegant shady gardens of the Alhambra (which I thought I would never see) and even managed to throw away the stick and dance a little flamenco with the gypsies.

Now I have planned out a piece of spare land at the back of my home in Melbourne to include elements of those beautiful gardens for me to enjoy and remember in my old age, whenever that might be.

I will be 74 on 1st September.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

COUNT ME IN ......

Yipee, I agree :)

I've just finished a book about my experiences of growing up in the 1950's. I began it for a number of reasons, mainly because all the old traditions, domestic chores and so on have totally changed.

No one gets milk from the churn on the back of a horse and cart nowadays. I used to stand holding the jug whilst the milkman poured a stream of milk from a long ladle.
Who uses the mangle and posser, the copper and creel? 

So because I wanted my descendants to know about life in those days, I knocked out 95,00 words about life, school, festivals and traditions in Bradford, Yorkshire just after the war.

It won't be published, but I may get it printed up.

I'm also into new experiences as well as old ones, and here's me, silver hair, bib and all, enjoying crab for the first time.

Followed by dessert, of course!

Lynda, New Zealand

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Gen X, Y and Z better watch out, for the Silver Generation is about to become the generation that speaks with authority and responsibility, but has it’s own expectations on how we should and need to be treated and dealt with in today’s society.   

Dame Judi Dench has apparently overtaken the Queen as the most popular female in Britain.   Whether that’s true or not, it does bear the question.  When is old, too old?  For what?  Why?   Is there literally if not technically an age when a person becomes of no importance?  If so, what is that age, and why is it deemed to be so?

Judi Dench was born in 1934, and she is still the drawcard for today’s films.  Even discounting the wonderful Bond movies in which she played the part of “M”  and the two Most Exotic Marigold Hotel films, she has also recently starred in a lovely little romantic comedy for the BBS starring Dustin Hoffman called Esio Trot (a play on the word tortoise).   Her work schedule would overwhelm any woman and yet she is still ever eager for the next script to land on her desk.  And I ask a simple question - why shouldn’t we all have the same enthusiasm for any new idea or project? 

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Women who are defined as being "of a certain age have, because of circumstances and sometimes necessity, been content to be cast to one side when it comes to acceptability within the community.  For some reason greying hair and wrinkles are seen to be "over the hill" and "worn out".  The words senior or elder take on all sorts of connotations, most of them negative.

Well, have I got something to say about that!  I may be greying and wrinkling and slowing down and have a tendency to forget things occasionally, but I'm definitely not broken down nor ready to be thrown on the scrap heap.  There is absolutely no reason why I should hide in a corner and to "be quiet", as many tell me I should do.

We WERE young and beautiful a few years ago.  We ARE beautiful today.   Like everything in this world we have undergone change but that change has not changed the real personality under the wrinkles.  For change is not only inevitable but necessary.  

Just because I am of a "certain age" does not mean I am ready to drop off my perch (yet!).  It doesn't mean that with a little bit of common sense and care in the way I dress and behave, that I won't scrub up or come up well.   

It doesn't mean my views and opinions are any the less important than they were 20 years ago.  It shouldn't mean I am no longer of any importance.  If anything I am more important given my age, for I have experience and knowledge on my side.